
The documents below all pertain to the Sandwich Arts Society. They include our Constitution which all Committee members adhere to. At its heart is the promotion of Art in all its forms, in education and study to artistic appreciation and historical and cultural interest.
Also included is our Privacy Policy (GDPR) so that all members are aware that any information retained by the Society is treated as private, is safe and not shared.


TASS Constitution

(formerly the Sandwich Evening Decorative and Fine Arts Society)

The Arts Society is the operating name of The National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts (NADFAS).
NADFAS is a company limited by guarantee (04307984), with charitable status. Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (1089743) and the Scottish Charity Regulator (SC039240)



The Society shall be called THE ARTS SOCIETY SANDWICH, hereinafter called “the Society”.


The Society shall have for its primary objectives: the promotion and advancement of aesthetic education, the cultivation and study of the arts and giving aid to the conservation of the national heritage for the benefit of the public. In furtherance of these objectives, the Society shall have the power to arrange lectures, special interest days and visits to places of artistic, historical and cultural interests. In addition it will promote art through volunteering and working with young people.


The Society shall consist of ordinary and honorary members.

Ordinary Membership becomes effective for new, existing or previous members upon payment of the annual subscription set for the current year. At the discretion of the Committee, individuals joining during the second half of the year may pay a reduced subscription. Members will be expected to behave in a manner compatible with the ethos and aims of the Society.

President The Committee may appoint a President to recognise a member who has done valuable work for the Society. This is an honorary, non voting position for up to five years duration.

Honorary Membership. The Committee may elect up to ten Honorary Members of the Society who are distinguished in the arts world or who have done valuable work for the Society. The Society pays the subscription for all Honorary Members and does not recoup this money from the Honorary Members.


The subscription for membership of the Society and charges for attending events shall be determined by the Committee and adjusted as required so as to cover expenses incurred for the running of a successful Society. The annual Subscription due for each calendar year shall be agreed at the Annual General meeting. It is due on December 1st prior to the relevant calendar year, but payment can be accepted on first attendance at a lecture up to the end of January of the relevant calendar year. If the subscription remains unpaid after the due date, membership shall, at the discretion of the Comittee be deemed to have lapsed.
A member whose subscription is not paid in full within 28 days of the due date shall thereupon cease to be entitled to rights and privileges of Membership but may at the discretion of the Committee be reinstated on payment of all arrears.

Payment for outings, study days or other events will be due at the time of booking and will not normally be refundable.


Any member desirous of resigning shall give notice in writing to the Membership Secretary before November 30th in any year.


If the annual subscription of any member shall not have been paid following January 31st in any year or if the conduct or action of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to or inconsistent with the character of the Society, the Committee may request such member to resign and if the member so requested does not resign within one month from the date of such request, they shall be liable to expulsion by the Committee.


The Committee will be responsible for the day to day management of the Society and the administration of its funds.

The Committee shall comprise not more than twelve members, including the Chairman, the Treasurer and the Secretary, and shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. It will meet no less than four times per year, and is quorate when at least a third of the Committee is present.

Any vacancy amongst the Officers or Committee occasioned by death, resignation, refusal or inability to serve may be filled by the Committee. Any officer or member so co-opted shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. Members of the Committee shall serve for 3 years unless requested to extend their term by the Committee. One year is to elapse before becoming eligible for re-election. When a member of the Committee takes on an Office, the term may be extended for three years from that date.

The Committee may wish to invite representatives of volunteering activities (including but not limited to Church Recorders, Heritage Volunteers and Young Arts) to be ex officio non-voting members of the Committee or ask them to attend at the discretion of the Committee.

The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub committees/working groups for the purposes of undertaking specific functions.

The Chairman if present shall preside over the AGM and all Committee meetings. Voting will be by a show of hands and by a simple majority. In circumstances of an equality of votes, the Chairman will have a casting vote.

(a) Only members present shall be entitled to vote.

(b) Each individual member shall be entitled to one vote.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such time and place as shall be determined by the Committee, but shall normally be held in November each year. Written notice, including the Agenda, the text and proposers and seconders of any Resolutions, shall be given 21 days before the meeting. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

(a) to receive the Chairman’s report on the activities of the past year.

(b) to receive and pass the examined accounts of the Society and the Report thereon.

(c) to elect Officers and Committee members of the Society (in rotation as vacancies occur).

(d) to consider any Special Resolutions duly proposed and seconded.

(e) any other business with the permission of the Chairman.

Any Ordinary Member of the Society may propose or second members for election to

The election of officers and of members of the Committee to fill the said vacancies shall be by a show of hands unless, in the case of candidates for election as members there are more nominated than there are vacancies to be filled, then the election of such members shall be by ballot,

Any members desirous of bringing forward any resolution shall give notice in writing thereof to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days prior to the holding of the Annual General Meeting. Any such resolution shall have been duly seconded and shall be set forth in the agenda with the names of the proposer and seconder. the Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations must be given to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting. Committee Members shall retire each year but be eligible for re-election.

Save with the consent of the Chairman, no resolution which does not comply with the foregoing requirements shall be discussed at the Annual General Meeting.

An Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened with 28 days at the request of the Committee or at least 20 Members of the Society. Resolutions to be considered must be given in notice to the Secretary, who will give all the Members 21 days written Notice of the Meeting, stating the time and place of the Meeting which shall be determined by the Chairman and the text of Resolutions.


The Society’s financial year shall end on the last day of September. An Independent Examiner shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and a duly examined Balance Sheet with an account of the income and expenditure for the preceding financial year shall be submitted at each Annual General Meeting. The first Independent Examiner shall be appointed by the Committee.


All money belonging to the Society and not invested shall be paid in by the Treasurer to a separate account in the name of the Society at a Bank to be named by the Committee. All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and Chairman or one other member of the Committee delegated by the Committee.


If a Special Resolution to discontinue the Society shall have been proposed and carried at a General Meeting by at least two-thirds of those present, so much of the assets shall be realised as may be necessary to discharge the liabilities of the Society and all the remaining assets shall be made over to such one or more charitable institutions or other associations having charitable objects similar to those of the Society as the Committee shall decide.

A representative of The Arts Society Trustee Board should be invited to a General Meeting at which withdrawal from The Arts Society is to be proposed.

According to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of The Arts Society, the Society shall cease to be entitled to the use of The Arts Society name and shall cease to be called The Arts Society Sandwich. The Society shall return all confidential documentation issued by the Arts Society.


Members shall notify any changes of address and other contact details to the Membership Secretary.


Any member desirous of proposing any alteration in, addition to or revision of the Rules of the Society shall give notice in writing, together with particulars of the proposed alteration, addition to or revision to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days prior to the holding of such a meeting.

No such resolution shall be passed unless carried by at least two-third of the members present.


Where sufficient accommodation is available, a member may bring a guest and/or a member of the public may attend a lecture subject to paying the attendance fee.

Guests may attend outings or days of special interest. Society members take priority.


Members’ details will be processed fairly and lawfully and in accordance with the Society’s legitimate activities and relevant legislation, including The Data Protection Act 2018 and The General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Members’ details will be disclosed to The Arts Society and to Member Societies, Area, or organisations affiliated to The Arts Society.

Members shall notify to the Society any changes of details, including their address.

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The Arts Society Privacy Notice (GDPR)

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, Members' details will be processed fairly and lawfully in order to satisfy the agreement entered with you on your admittance to membership of The Arts Society Sandwich. Members’ details will be passed to the ‘The Arts Society’ (head quarters) and affiliated Societies to enable inclusion on the mailing of the quarterly magazine and other communications including information about any upcoming National events or items of legitimate interest. Your details will be kept safely and securely and you have the ability to opt out of our communications at any time. The Committee, The Arts Society Sandwich